Call Your Mother

A Film by FourTwo Creative


Our very first video, ‘Call Your Mother’ delves into topics of love, freedom, style, identity and more, through intimate phone conversations between a group of Black millennial women and their mothers.


“As we enter new stages of our lives, we wanted to explore how our mothers’ lessons and experiences have directly influenced who we are today—so we called them.”


What we learned in the process, is that no matter how close we may be to our mothers, there’s always something new to discover about them, and in turn, about ourselves.

‘Call Your Mother’ is being released in celebration of Women’s History Month and was created in an effort to foster collaboration between African women of various backgrounds and generations—the mission at the very heart of FourTwo Creative. Check it out above, and if you’re moved, we encourage you to share and #CallYourMother.

Mother’s Day Social Campaign


To celebrate Mother’s Day FourTwo created a social campaign highlighting the mother’s of our audience. Participants submitted photos, quotes and their biggest learnings from their mothers to be featured across Instagram & Twitter. 

FourTwo also hosted an Instagram Live Mother-daughter cooking session on the day. 


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